Hoy es viernes de "mostrar y describir" en el blog de Donna, yo ya hice mi contribución y por qué no te nos unes? ^^ solo necesitas mandarle una foto de tu proyecto actual y algo de información sobre él. Por favor visita su blog para más detalles.
I leave you with this simple drawing I made to experiment with "coffee ink"
Los dejo con este sencillo dibujo que hice para experimentar con "tinta café"

Have a grrreat weekend! XD
Tengan un buen fin de semana!
Gracie, You drew this??!! Oh wow! This is incredible! I wish so much I could draw. I would love to show this at next week's show & tell! Thanks for letting your readers know about it!
Ooh, what a lovely drawing! Thanks for letting us know about the show and tell. I shall pop over and have a look.
Hi Gracie, I'm going to post tomorrow about the Sunshine award. Thank you so much for putting me on your list!
You are too sweet!
Hi Gracie,m
Your drawing is awesome! Looks great did you color the paper with coffee ink? Something we don't have in common, I can't even draw3 a stick figure. LOL!
This is just gorgeous! I want to experiment now with coffee ink, even though I can't draw. :)
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