The postman has been very busy these days, with all these very expected packages.I was very lucky to have won these beautiful prizes!
The first is this piece of art from Lisa at
pritistudio.I have hung it on the wall already, but my cat seems to look at it with malice ...maybe I need to think another place.
El cartero ha estado muy ocupado estos días, con todos estos paquetes tan esperado. Tuve mucha suerte por haber ganado estos hermosos premios!!La primera es esta pieza de arte de Lisa, en pritistudio. Ya lo he colgado en la pared, pero mi gato parece mirarlo con malicia.... tal vez necesito pensar en otro lugar.

It has little bells... maybe Minimiu think this is for her...
These are the other items. A beautiful crocheted cuff from Mary Ann at
Follow your bliss (I really love the colors!) . Two pairs of religious earrings from Wanda at
Two Crafty Mules (they're very unique) and a colorful plushie and book from Janet at
Janet's Art Play.
Estos son los otros premios. Un brazalete tejido a crochet de Mary Ann en Follow your Bliss, (realmente me encantan los colores!). Dos pares de aretes con motivos religiosos de Wanda en Two Crafty Mules (son unicos!) y un colorido plushie y un libro de Janet en Janet's Art Play.
I really love these gifts!!
The name of the book is " Creative is a verb" and it really has touched me. The author is Patti Digh and she says that "we minimize ourselves in so many ways, and stop ourselves from living our most creative life.....We learn to diminish the bright light we bring into the world, to make it smaller, to hide it, put a shade on it.We do it for many reasons: to raise others up, to avoid comparisons, to minimize the fall when we fail, to protect and explain and rationalize and, it seems, to cover. "
The book is full with beautiful quotes that makes you think like "Don't apologize for who you are or the art you create- C.J. Rider-" .
and you know what? it is true!! Sometimes people ask me "what do you do?" and I say, "Oh, nothing really, just simple things, notebooks and pouches, nothing". Like if my creations are not important, nothing to be considerated as a real job! what happen to me?? I'M AN ARTIST!! Maybe not a great one, but I try everyday to improve myself.
I really needed this book!! Thank you so much for this Janet (and to the author of course)
El nombe del libro es "Creativo es un verbo" y realmente me ha tocado. La autora es Patti Digh y ella dice que "nos minimizamos a nosotros en tantas maneras, nos detenemos a nosotros mismos de vivir nuestra vida más creativa...aprendemos a disminuir la luz brillante que traemos al mundo, a hacerla pequeña, a esconderla, a ponerle una sombra. Lo hacemos por muchas razones: para enaltecer a los demás, para evadir comparaciones, para minimizar la caída cuando fracasamos, para proteger y explicar y racionalizar y, al parecer, para ocultar.
El libro está lleno de frases que te hacen pensar como "No te disculpes por quien eres o por el arte que creas-C.J. Rider"
Y saben que? Es cierto! a veces la gente me pregunta " a que te dedicas?" Y digo "oh, nada realmente, solo cosas simples, libretas, monederos..nada". Como si mis creaciones no fueran importantes, nada digno de ser considerado un trabajo de verdad! que me pasa??? SOY UNA ARTISTA! Tal vez no una grande, pero todos los días me esfuerzo por mejorar.
Realmente necesitaba este libro!!! Gracias Janet (y a la autora por supuesto!)
Have a good weekend =D